Thursday, November 26, 2009

Keep my heart aflame

December 12, 2007

Romans 12
Jean, if you preach, just preach God’s message.
If you help, don’t take over
If you teach, stick to your teaching
If you give encouragement, be careful that you don’t get bossy.

Lord, I know I’m not a preacher but I do tend to be “preachy.” I don’t usually tent to take over, I’m more apt to sit back and let others do everything. (am I lazy? I hope not.) I also know my gift is NOT teaching, but I do love sharing my passion, journaling, and drawing close to You through the word pictures of dancing.

Empower me, Lord, to use these tools so that others may know that intimacy with You is very possible and that You desire it probably far more than we do.

v. 9
Love from the center of who you are – don’t fake it. Keep me totally honest and open. Don’t allow me to run out of fuel, energy, passions. Keep my heart aflame and burning brightly for all to see and be warmed by it. Enable me to see beauty in everyone – to Your honor and glory.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

What's next, Papa?

November 26, 2007

Romans 8, assorted verses.

Jesus personally took on the human condition, entered the disordered mess of struggling humanity in order to set it right one and for all. The law asked for what we couldn’t deliver but that is now accomplished as we, instead of redoubling our own efforts, simply embrace what the Spirit is doing in us.

Those who trust God’s action in them find that God’s Spirit is in them, the living and breathing God.

Attention to God leads us out into the open, into a spacious free life. Those in whom Christ dwells (you and me) will experience life on god’s terms. He’ll do the same thing in you (me) that he did in Jesus – bringing you alive in Himself.

When God lives and breathes in me (and He does, as surely as He did in Jesus), I am delivered from that dead life. With His Spirit living in my body, I will be alive as Christ is alive. This resurrection life I received from God is not a timid, grave-tending life. It is adventurously expectant and greets God with a child-like, “what’s next, Papa?”

Thank you, My Father, for this reminder that Your Spirit abides in me. May I live today with the enthusiasm of a child, expecting fun, exciting experiences that even bring You joy and pleasure too.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Passionate Patience

October 31, 2007

Romans 5

Because we are entering into what God always wanted for us, we have it all together with God because of Jesus Christ. We find ourselves standing where we always hoped we might stand: Out in the wide open spaces of God’s Grace and Glory, standing tall and shouting our praise.

We continue to shout our praise even when we’re hemmed in with trouble because we know how troubles can develop “passionate patience” in us and that patience, in turn, forges the “tempered steel” of virtue; keeping us alert for whatever God will do next. In alert expectancy such as this, we are never left feeling short-changed. Quite the contrary.

We can’t round up enough containers to hold everything God generously pours into our lives through His Holy Spirit. YEA!

God put his love on the line for us by offering His Son in sacrificial death while we were of no use to Him whatsoever. Just think how our lives will expand and deepen by means of His resurrection life! We sing and shout our praises to God through Jesus, the Messiah.

As we grasp with both hands this wildly extravagant life-gift, this grand setting-everthing-right that one man, Jesus, provides. Sin doesn’t have a chance in competition with this aggressive forgiveness we call Grace. When it is sin versus grace, grace wins hands down. Grace, because God is putting everything together again through the Messiah, invites us into life – a life that goes on and on and on, world without end. Amen!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

God's promise

October 18, 2007

Romans 4
v. 3 Abraham entered into what God was doing for him and that was THE turning point. V. 4-5 When we see that the job I too big for use, it is something only God can do. I must trust God to do it. It is this trusting Him to do it is what gets me set right with God. By God. A sheer gift. Embracing what God has done for me is what declares me fit before God.

v. 6-10 The promise God gave Abraham was not given because of something Abraham did or would od. It was based on God’s decision to put everything together for Abraham which Abraham then embraced when he believed. This was not a business deal. It was a promise.

The fulfillment of God’s promise depends entirely on trusting God and His way and then simply embracing Him and what He does. God’s promise arrives as a Pure Gift! God made something out of Abraham when he was a nobody. Abraham didn’t focus on his own impotence. He didn’t tip-toe around God’s promise asking skeptical questions. He plunged into the promise and came up strong, ready for God, sure that god would make good on what he said. AMEN!

Lord, enable and empower me to embrace Your promises to me concerning my family and my own needs for the future – even today. I think, too, of the great needs facing my friends. Give each of them the assurance of Your promises that they are meant definitely for them. Supply the faith they need to trust You in their very different circumstances.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A fresh touch

Oct 10, 2007
End of Joshua. When Joshua was an old man he called the children to remember all of God’s orders and their obedience to do all he had commanded. He erected a large stone under the oak tree that was in the holy place of God, saying, “This stone is a witness against us. It has heard every word of promise we have made to worship god and Him only. It is a standing witness against you lest you cheat on your God.” Then Joshua died at 110 years old and was buried at Timnath.

October 15, 2007
Romans 1:3 (Thoughts and quotes from The Message) “The sacred writing contain preliminary reports by the prophets on God’s Son. Through Jesus we received both the generous gift of His life and the urgent task of passing it on to others who receive it by entering into obedient trust in Jesus.”

Thank You Jesus for life. Your life that I have received by faith in You. Even the very faith to trust is a gift from You. May I be obedient to pass this gift on to all You put in my path.

Paul goes on to talk about how he longs to visit Rome and says, “The longer the waiting goes on, the deeper the ache.” Lord, I identify with this ache. The longer I wait for my family to come fully into that wonderful relationship with you, the deeper my ache to see it happen. Keep me faithful to pray and trust, even if I never see it with my own eyes.

Now they have traded the glory of God for cheap worthless trinkets. Oh God, keep the hounds of heaven on their trails. Bring these ones that I love into the lives You have appointed for them. Their faithlessness does not cancel out your faithfulness. Praise the Lord! Your words stand fast and true. Rejection doesn’t faze you. Hallelujah!

V. 23-31. We are utterly incapable of living the glorious life God wills for us. God did it for us! Out of sheer generosity He puts us in right standing with Himself. A pure gift.

He did it by means of Jesus Christ! God sets right all who welcome His action and enter into it. Both those who follow our religion and those who have never heard of our religion.

Lord, give us all a fresh touch from You on and in our lives and heart.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

“And Israel had rest from war!”

October 3, 2007
Joshua 9-11

The people of Gibeon tricked the people of Israel and made a covenant with them for their lives. Verse 14 says “the men of Israel looked them over and accepted their evidence” but they didn’t ask God about it!

Oh Lord, how often do I weigh the evidence in my own so-called wisdom and make wrong decisions because I do not ask You about it? Keep my humble and needy before You that I would always seek Your leadership in small and big decisions.

You allowed Israel to keep their promise to these people, but it would have been so much better Your way! Then king after king came to fight against Israel and were defeated every one, because they obeyed Your orders to kill every one. No survivors. Not a breath of life anywhere.

10:15 says “Just as God commanded His servant Moses, so Moses commanded Joshua and Joshua did it. He didn’t leave incomplete one thing that God had commanded Moses.” V. 23 He did everything God had told Moses. Then he parceled it out as an inheritance to Israel according to their tribes. “And Israel had rest from war!”

Monday, October 12, 2009

Joshua and the King of Ai.

October 1, 2007

Joshua 8:
God tells Joshua that He has turned the King of Ai over to him. He was not to be timid or hesitant to attach Ai again. And – this time they were given permission to plunder and loot their stuff until their hearts were content. God said He would hand it to Joshua on a platter! He was ordered by God to set an ambush at night. Then, in the morning, Joshua led the remaining army openly to the gate of the city.

When their army came Joshua’s army pretended to run away. Then those in ambush came from behind trapping Ai in the middle. The whole city had emptied out. The ambush group went in and burned the city.

Your Word says every man, woman, and child was killed except the king, who Joshua hanged later. The children of Israel did go back and save the livestock and looted – with God’s blessing this time. After all was said and done Joshua built an altar to God, following instructions from Moses’ book and Joshua read all that Moses wrote to the entire congregation.

I wonder if it was the whole five books that Moses wrote, or just a part? Whatever, it would have taken quite a while. Thank you for the written Word. It is our only connection with Your words now. We need it because we cannot be sure of some of the things we may think You are saying to us in our hearts. Thank you.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The not so great Cover-up

September 26, 2007
Joshua 7

Be sure your sins will find you out. God had told Israel that they were not to take anything from Jerico. Only take what God commanded for His treasury. When the army went to fight against a smaller city, they were quickly defeated and sent fleeing in shame. As Joshua fell before God asking why, God told him His covenant had been violated. Someone had stolen and kept some of the loot.

So one by one the tribes were called before God and Joshua – then the clans – then the families, and finally the guilty one – Achan. He confessed that he had taken forbidden loot and buried it in his tent. So the people purified themselves and Achan was taken out of the camp and all Israel stoned him and buried him under the pile of stones. (ugh).

And God’s anger was satisfied that the sin was settled and now they could go on to claim the next section of the promised land.

My Lord, do I have anything that I am trying to cover up and hide from You? The key word here is “try” as I know nothing is ever hidden from You. You know all. You see all. You hear all. I do not want to hide anything. I do not want to hide from Your love.

Keep me open and honest before You and everyone else including myself. Enable and empower me to be honest with myself and recognize truth and live by it.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

God's strange orders

September 24, 2007
Joshua Chapter 6

God’s orders to Joshua were so strange. Proving once again that following His orders (no matter how strange it may seem), is always the best way.

Circle the city only once. Following seven priests with rams-horn trumpets. Do this for six days. On the seventh day march around seven times with the priests blowing away on their trumpets. And, as they marched, the people were instructed to stay quiet – not even whisper, until the signal to shout.

After the seventh time the priests blow a long blast on the horn and when the people hear that they are to shout at the tops of their lungs. Then when the thunderous shout was given– the walls just collapsed and every soldier had a straight direct entry into the city.

Joshua ordered the two spies who had been given protection by Rahab to go immediately to her home and take her and all her family to safety outside the camp of Israel.

The people were also instructed not to covet anything in this cursed city. Everything was to be destroyed – every man, woman, child and beast. The city was burned. Only the silver, gold, bronze and iron were salvaged and put in God’s treasury.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Miracle at the End

September 12, 2007
Joshua 3&4

What strikes me here is that several times in these two chapters it says “Listen to God, Your God!”

You are God, but You are very personal. You are my God. You know my name and my Jordan (river – the obstacles and problems in my life). I must listen closely to hear Your words of instruction and love to me. v. 17 – I must stand firmly planted in the battle of my problems while You work Your miracles. I will get through my Jordan with dry feet!

I was also struck by the order for one member of each tribe to take a stone from the middle of the Jordan and carry it over to the other side so they would have something to mark the occasion. A permanent memorial for the people and generations to follow.

I think of my journals as “markers” – testimony of Your work in my life and the ones I pray for. For me to remember and record for my children and grandchildren.

After all the people were safely across the priests left the middle and crossed, too. As the last one set foot on the opposite shore, Your Word says “the waters resumed their flow within their banks. Just as before. Had You not been in total control, when the waters were loosed, there would have been a flood – a flash flood. But no. The waters resumed as before within their banks! Wow!

Thank you, My Lord. When I read Your Word, just read, I miss so much. But when I read and then try to write down what I think you are showing me, I see so much more. I never before thought about the miracle at the end – when the river was loosed. You performed another miracle at the end. Praise be to the God of the Covenant. My God!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Rahab and the Red Rope

Sept 3, 2007

Joshua 1-2
You gave every square inch of the land of Canaan where they put their feet down to the children of Israel – a gift forever. You were with them giving strength and courage and you said “I won’t give up on you. I won’t leave you.” They had to give it all the strength and courage they had and not get side-tracked – they had to stay focused and never forget Your Holy Words.

They were to ponder and meditate on them day and night and to practice it and live it every day. You are just as faithful to us today as You were to Joshua and the people then. Thank you for Joshua’s life and example for all time.

Rahab hid the spies and the men promised mercy to all her family if they were all in her house when the battle was on. She told them “we all had the wind knocked out of us, because of You and Your God!” They were aware of the parting of the Red Sea for the Israelites to cross – and she knew of the victories they had over a couple of kings.

The spies gave her a red rope to hang from her window and all in her household would be spared.

A red rope. I never picked up on that before. They were covered by the blood of Jesus (yet to be shed). They were saved. Praise you, Lord, for eternal truths, past, present, and future which are all the same to you.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

“Watch what God does and then do it!”

August 29, 2007

Ephesians 5:1. “Watch what God does and then do it!”

Like a child following around his father, almost irritatingly, especially so when he copies the bad habits and deeds. But as Your child, when I tag along with You, You are pleased and happy, especially when I copy Your loving habits and deeds.

Mostly what You do is love me (and others). We learn from your life of love. You are an extravagant lover. You don’t love to get anything back from us. But when we are loved so much, we want to lavish our love on You too. I’m so grateful that You graciously accept our love. You are just as hungry to receive my love as I am to receive Yours.

This is hard for me to honestly understand. The One True Holy God doesn’t need my puny offers of love, BUT He desires it. WOW!

This love between us is not the lustful variety. It is pure, holy, and beautiful. May my words of love speak to You with hones gratitude. As I allow Your love to fill me and purify me, my relationships with other people will also benefit. Enable me to be honest, may my talk not be “religious talk.” May I speak Your truths in love, always.

May I allow the bright light of Your love make my way plain, so I don’t stumble in the darkness. Enable me to be true to all that pleases you. I do not want to waste my life on barren pursuits of darkness. Christ Jesus my Savior will be and who me the Lighted Way.

In these desperate times may I make the most of every chance I get to honor You. Keep me free from the pull of the world. May I drink in Your spirit, singing and whistling songs from my heart to You, any excuse for a song of praise.

Respect for others, especially my husband. May I understand and support him in a way that shows my love and respect for Christ. As the church submits and respects Christ, may I do likewise for him. As Christ treats and responds to the church in pure love and full attention, that is the way a husband and wife should be. A two-way street.

Monday, September 7, 2009

The road God calls me to travel

August 27, 2007

Eph 4:1 Walk (better yet, Run!) on the road God has called me to travel. Without a miracle I could never run on the road (physically). Also without the miracle gift of Your indwelling Holy Spirit, I can never walk or run on any road (spiritually).

Thank You that You are the source of my strength, physically and more importantly, spiritually. You alone are the source of any discipline or humility I may possess. You enable me to steadily pour myself out for others in acts of love, working together with others. The true body of Christ is permeated with His Oneness (the Women’s Ministry Center).

God, You want us to grow up to know the whole truth and to tell and share it in love. Christ is the source of everything I do. I want always to take my lead from Him and no one else. Your very breath and blood flow through me, nourishing me, so that I will grow healthy in You – robust in LOVE!

Jesus, Your Holy Spirit, moving and breathing in me is the most intimate part of my life. He (the Holy Spirit) makes me fit for you, Jesus. Enable me to be gentle with others, forgiving others as quickly as You do.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Resurrection Power

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Ephesians 3:16-21 My Lord Jesus Christ, will You please grant to this weak child strength, reinforced by Your mighty power in my inner spirit, by Your Holy Spirit indwelling me personally.

I know this is already done, as I am aware of Your indwelling presence – but – I’m not always aware of Your power. Not physically, or spiritually - and yet, I am. This is confusing and not making sense.

v.17 – You actually have settled down – are abiding – making Your permanent home in me – in my heart.

I know that I must believe it, because that is what Your Word states. Then it says “may You (Jean) be rooted deep in love and founded securely on love.

This, too, I believe is done and I also know my roots grow deper and more secure every day. This I experience.

v. 18 (from the Message) says Jean, with both of your feet planted firmly on love, that you will be able to take in extravagant dimensions of Christ’s love (wasteful, excessive, unduly lavish, too costly, extreme, exorbitant!).

Reach out and experience the breadth. Test its length! Plumb the depths! Rise to its height! Life full lives, full of the fullness of God.

V 19 – that I may really come to know (practically) through experience for yourself, Jean, the Love of Christ which is far surpassing mere knowledge (without experience). That I may be filled through all my being unto the fullness of God. I may have the richest measure of divine presence and beocem a body wholly filled an flooded with God Himself.

Lord, one question here. Does this ebb and flow, or is it constant? Am I wholly filled with You always, but just not aware? I know I don’t always feel aware of this filling. And I also know that feelings and emotions are not good barometers of truth. So even thought I don’t know the answers to these questions, I choose this day – August 8, 2007, to believe and accept.

V 20 (amplified Bible) – that your power is at work within me, that I am able to carry out Your purpose, so super abundantly and far over and above all I dare ask or think, beyond my own highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams.

I am able because of Your indwelling power in me. To You be all honor and glory throughout all generations forever and ever, Amen! So Be It.

This is not any of my puny doing! It is Your Resurrection Power in this feeble body. WOW. Thank You for reinforcing this truth today.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Never satisfied!

July 25, 2007
I just finished reading Isaiah from The Message – it took me three months, to the day. There is so much to absorb! I know I didn’t get everything You wanted me to, but I do praise You for Your Word. It is always alive and powerful to meet our needs and to accomplish Your purposes.

Keep me in Your Word. Teach me always. Forgive my pride. Keep me humble before You. Cleanse me from all sin. Open my eyes to see truth and know it when I see it. Enable me to apply it to myself and to know when and what to share with others.

Here I am – wanting even more. Am I never satisfied? You are here. Always. I just can’t see You with my physical eyes. You actually live in this body of mine. Is that a miracle or not? It is! Thank you for abiding in me. Keep me mindful of this amazing truth as I live this day.

Bless me Lord, and accept my love and worship as my gift to You.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Keep guard over your lips and your pen

July 20, 2007

Matthew 12:34 – “for out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks.” (NIV)
“It’s your heart, not the dictionary, that gives meaning to your words.” (Message)

This verse from The Message was written in one of my birthday cards. It is so true. The heart reveals its true self when we speak or write our words. I pray that You keep guard over my lips and my pen. That my words honor You and speak truth with love. Thank You for using my friend to point out this verse.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Praise Park

July 18, 2007
Isaiah 60
God, You are calling Your people. The Jews back to your city, Jerusalem. “Get out of bed, Jerusalem! Wake up! Put your face in the sunlight. God’s bright glory has risen for you. His sunrise. Glory breaks over you.”

Then You go on to describe the return of Your people to the land you gave them. And all other nations coming too, to honor them with gifts and riches. V 16 You want the very best for Your people. No more leftovers and hand-me-downs.

You will install Peace and Righteousness. No more crime running rampant in the streets. V. 18 “You’ll name your main street “Salvation Way” and install “Praise Park.” (I like that). V. 22 The runt will become the great trive. The weakling becomes the strong nation because You are God and at the right time all this will happen.

I think of how despised, hated, and looked down on Israel is today and has been for centuries. This will all change. They will see the Savior and recognize Him as Your Anointed One, and all will be changed.

In the meantime, Jesus, have mercy on Your people. Protect this tiny nation set in the center of all their enemies. Keep America and England as allies and supporters of Israel. May we never desert them.

The power of Your promises are not diminished, not one bit. Praise You. The Lord who is Forever Faithful – even to Your unfaithful people.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Obedience or disobedience?

July 9, 2007

Jonah – God gave a message to Jonah. He was ordered to go to Ninevah and preach to them. He chose Jonah specifically. On purpose! He called him by name.

Jonah got up and went the opposite way – ignoring God’s orders. He did as he pleased. When the storm raged and the boat was in great distress the sailors had called to their gods and threw everything overboard to no avail. The captain told Jonah to pray to his god for their rescue. When Jonah drew the short straw, they questioned him. “Why this disaster? What is your work? Where do you come from? What country? What family? What have you done, Jonah?

Jonah told them to throw him overboard. They tried to row. They didn’t want to toss him out. But eventually, after they prayed to God, they did. They prayed, pleading not to be held accountable for Jonah’s sin, and then said to God, “Do as You think best.”

Immediately after throwing Jonah overboard the seas quieted. The sailors were impressed and in awe of God. They worshiped God, sacrificed and made promises.

Then Jonah prayed from the belly of the whale, confessing, “I was as far as a body can go, held tight, tangled in seaweed” and God pulled him up from the grave alive. He worshiped God calling out in thanksgiving and promising, “I’ll do what I promised.”

After the whale vomited Jonah onto the seashore, Jonah went to Ninevah and preached, and the whole city repented and believed. This made Jonah mad too, complaining that he knew God would be merciful and change His mind. It was okay for Jonah to change his mind, but not God.

We are strange creatures, so inconsistent. We want to be in charge. But oh, the messes we make. I am so grateful for Your mercy and patience with us – with me. Thank you, God. Give me a heart that is obedient the first time. Someone said that delayed obedience is disobedience – sin.

What faces me today that I need to be obedient in? “I love you Lord, and I lift my voice. To worship You, oh my soul rejoice. Take joy my King in what you hear. May it be a sweet, sweet song in your ear.”

Monday, July 27, 2009

A well-taught tongue?

June 29, 2007
7:30 a.m.
Isaiah 50-51
V2. I AM, as powerful as ever and I can reverse what I once did. I can dry up the sea with a word and turn river water into desert sand. V3 Turn the lights out in the sky and pull down the curtain. (What an awesome, scary thought)

V4 the Master, God, has given me a well taught tongue, so I know I have to encourage tired people. He wakes me up, opens my ears to listen, as one ready to take orders.

The Master God, opened my ears and I didn’t go back to sleep, didn’t pull the covers back over my head. I followed orders.

Oh, my Master – are these words from Isaiah’s mouth and heart for me too? Is my tongue well-taught? Have I learned and heeded Your orders? Do I faithfully encourage tired people, or am I so focused on my own weariness that I don’t see the need and opportunities before me? Do I hang out at the center more because of what You do for me there, or do I really make a difference – a difference in others?

I want so to get it right, to be obedient, to hear You! My thought goes to a passage in Zechariah 6:15. Am I taking it out of context when it says, “This will confirm that god of the Angel armies did, in fact, send me to you” (Send me, Jean, to minister at the Center to the ‘tired’ people). All this follows as you (Jean) put your mind to a life of responsive obedience to the voice of your God.”

Am I making too much of the fact that once again as I write these words on this page there is one of Your rainbows on this page? Is this a personal confirmation of my ministry, or my motives? I’d like to believe it. I do so want to make a difference. I desire that my life does make a difference and that You do use me.

Am I just being “needy,” wanting attention? Do I always have to know? I should be content just being who You created me to be. Do I constantly need to be patted on the back and be told “You did good?”

Give me Your peace here, Lord. I love you so much and I want to please You, not just “feel” good. I love You Lord, and I worship You, no matter what.

As I go to the Center today and write Thank You cards and hang out, I want to do it all for You, regardless of what I may feel, or not feel. I know feelings often are not a dependable barometer. Enable me, my Lord to “put my mind to a life or responsive obedience to the voice of my God.” Thank you!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

God never quits

June 27, 2007
7:15 a.m.

II Chronicles 20

King Jehosaphat prayed to God before his people – praising Him and pleading for His help against three great enemies (v 6-12) ending with “we don’t know what to do, we’re looking to You.” You, God, answer back, “This is God’s war – not ours” They were told to go meet the enemy “stand firm and watch” God’s saving work for them

Don’t be afraid – don’t waiver – march boldly – God is with you! They had the choir go before them praising God at the top of their lungs (early in the morning – I like that).

v. 20 Believe firmly in God, your God (my God) and your lives will be firm. Believe in your prophets and you’ll come out on top.” V21 Give thanks to God! His love never quits.

Later in Jehosaphat’s life Your word says “he lived a life pleasing God. No detours, no dead ends – pleasing god all his life. But he failed to get rid of neighboring pagan religions and later in life made an unholy partnership that failed.

My God and Father -
As I think of my own life and the battles I’m facing, they are mere “spots” compared to this battle Jehsosaphat was facing and compared to what others I know are facing. But I know the size of the battle does not matter to You. You are ”God in heaven above and ruler of all kingdoms below.” That includes where I live now!

You are aware of all I face and all I am concerned about. I’m facing old age – declining health of body (but not my faith or spirit – Praise God!!). You know my love and concern for my children and my grandchildren. Do I really believe? Do I trust with all my heart, not in my own understanding? Do I have the tenacity to stick to my faith, no matter how long it takes?

Yes! By faith (which I cannot see) I do believe and know you are ever faithful. You Never Quit! And I choose to keep standing firm, praising You for all these desires and requests I lay before You.

Enable and empower my Lord. Renew my spiritual vigor. May it grow even stronger as my physical vigor diminishes. But I am also trusting You to keep my physical being active and alive until my very end here. I do believe I have a purpose to fulfill for You and I will fulfill it – not by might, nor by strength, but by Your Spriit. Amen. So be it. May my life please you to the end here, and on into my new “forever life” in heaven.

May I never make any unholy alliance with the world or the enemy. Keep my eyes and heart so focused on You that I do not even hear or see the opportunities Satan sets before me. That would result in failure and that would not be pleasing to You. You Never Quit and I don’t want to either!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Monday, June 18, 2007
7:20 a.m.
Isaiah 45:2-3 I’ll go ahead of you, Jean, clearing and paving the road. I’ll break down bronze city gates, smash padlocks, kick down barred entrances. I’ll lead you to buried treasures (plural), secret caches of valuables, not always monetary. Confirmation that it is, in fact, I – God – the God of Israel, who calls you by your name. He calls me by my name.

The NIV says “I will give you the treasures of darkness, riches stored in secret places – so that you may KNOW that I am the LORD – the God of Israel, who summons you by name.”

V 5: I am the only God there is!
I am the Only God there is!
I formed light, created darkness, make harmonies, and create discord.
I made earth, created man and woman, handcrafted the skies.
I direct all the constellations in their turnings.
V 13 – I, the God of Angel Armies!
V 15 Amazing!! God is with you – there is no other God – None!
v. 18 I am God – the One and Only. I am God . I work out in the open.
V 21 Wasn’t I the one? God? It had to be me. I am the only one there is. The only God who does things right and knows how to help.

So turn to me and be helped – saved – everyone whoever and wherever you are. I am God. I never take back what I say. Yes, your salvation and strength are in God. Amen!

My Lord. These verses are for Roy and I now too. You are clearing and smoothing the road ahead for us as we need to sell the apartments in these depressed days of the real estate market – too many apartments vacant and for sale – far too cheap.

You can smash the padlocks of the market. Sell them at the right time and price to provide for our last years. V 8 says that you “open the heavens and rain clouds pour out buckets of my goodness.”

I choose to trust You for our needs too – even as I choose to trust for buckets of Your goodness for my grandchildren. Oh, God – Thank you. I praise You and humbly thank You!

Thank You that You always bless me just when I need it – You are never too late or a no-show.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

God has done it!!!

Saturday, June 16, 2007
6:15 a.m.

The sun has temporarily disappeared behind a cloud but Your Presence is still here – abiding in me. The truth that You are a promise-keeping God does not change or disappear because of changing of conditions. You are constant and forever!!!!

Isaiah 44:
Verse 2 says “The God who formed you in the womb wants to help you.” You want to help us and to show yourself to us in all Your glory and power. And after, You do not act in our behalf until we call out for help ourselves. Intercessory prayer only goes so far. We must humble ourselves and ask You – and give You permission to work in and for us.

Verse 3 says You will pour Your Spirit into my descendents – These children – My children. They will sprout like grass.

Verse 8 – Don’t be afraid, Jean! Don’t worry.

I like that word “into.” When something is poured “on” it runs down and off. Not much really soaks in. But the Message uses the word “into.” Thank You god for the life and spirit You have and will pour “INTO” my children and grandchildren and future generations.

Verse 22 – I’ll never forget you (all your children). You have wiped the slate of all our wrong doings – there is nothing left of our sins. Hallelujah!

Then You call to the wayward ones by name. “Come back to Me for I have redeemed you!” High Heavens SING!!! God has done it!! It doesn’t say God will do it sometime in the future – there is no time constrictions on you God. It is done!

Thank You and I praise you in faith for my grandson’s future life of service to You. For bringing my loved ones back into restored fellowship with you. For salvation. For a deeper relationship of intimacy with You for all of us. God has done it!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Everlasting Lovingkindness

June 14, 2007 - (This entry was written during a family crisis, details of which have been omitted)

One thing I know – You Lord, have not changed. Your promises still are true. And whatever the outcome I believe it will be for our ultimate good. Because Your mercy and lovingkindness endures forever!

Psalm 136 - I choose not to be discouraged. I choose to keep trusting You. I choose to praise You for the work of Your grace in our lives.

I choose to rely on your love for us and that you have not had me praying just to give me something to do. Prayer works and prayer is hard work! But You hear and answer according to Your perfect purposes.

And I praise you.
I worship you
I love you with all my heart, strength and soul.

Prov 3;5,6 I will trust in You with all my heart. I will not lean on my own understanding. I acknowledge you in all my ways and I allow you to direct my path (and my thoughts and prayers).

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Unfading Halos

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Isaiah 35:3-10 (The Message)

Energize the limp hands (Yea Lord, my hands are weak and bent and gnarly with arthritis). Strengthen the rubbery knees (My left knee is deformed, angled to the left and painful). BUT! . . .

God is here – right here! On his way to put things right. Courage! Take heart, my Dear. (v 6) lame men and women will leap like deer. The voiceless break into song.

Jean, it is not the condition of your body that really matters – it is the condition of your heart and spirit, of your relationship with Me. I am the One who causes your heart to sing (and whistle).

Sing, Sing, Sing to Me and with Me. Listen as I sing and dance over you with great joy.

Do not despair – Rejoice. You are my Redeemed One. (v10) I give you “unfading halos” of joy encircling your head. I welcome you home with gifts of joy and gladness. All sorrows and signs scurry into the night.

Keep praising me. Keep worshiping Me. You will never regret it!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Who is in charge here?

Wednesday, June 6, 2007 – 7:00 a.m.

Isaiah 33:6 (The Message) “God keeps your ways stable and secure – salvation, wisdom, and knowledge in surplus and best of all, Zion’s treasure – Fear of God!”

v. 8 (NIV) “The fear of the Lord is the key to this treasure.”

In the midst of a very evil world, where evil men are in control, and where everyone does what he pleases, you, God, keep your people stable and secure. Our treasure is You. All around us may be in utter chaos but when we trust in You, You are enough.

In the middle of our failing economy, empty apartments, not much income, You keep us going. I am grateful. Roy works too hard, and yes he worries, and I do too at times. But we both know You are our source of all we need.

You have promised to care for us in our old age – we are trusting you. Those who will survive will do so because of Isaiah 33;15 (Message)
Live right
Speak truth.
Despise exploitation,
refuse bribes, violence and evil amusements.

(v16) This is how we raise our standard of living! It is a safe and stable way to live. A nourishing and satisfying way to live.

Center your worship on God. God Himself is the place. Let God make all the decisions. He runs the place and He will keep us safe.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Grace and more grace

June 4, 2007
Isaiah 30:18-19 (The Message)

Your salvation requires you to turn back to Me and stop your silly efforts to save yourselves. Your strength will come from settling down in complete dependence on me.”

But God is not finished! He’s waiting around to be gracious to you. He’s gathering strength to show mercy to you. God takes the time to do everything right – everything!

Those who wait around for Him are the lucky ones.

“So wait, Jean. Don’t get discouraged, don’t give up, God is not finished yet! And as you keep crying for help He hears and answers.

(v 19) “Cry for help, Jean – and you’ll find grace and more grace!”

Then, Isaiah 31:29 “But you will sing, sing through an all night holy feast! Your heart will burst with song and make music like the sound of flutes on parade.”

Friday, June 5, 2009

Seeing the Splendor of God and "Getting It"

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Isaiah 26:10, 15 (the Message). (v 10) “if the wicked are shown grace, they don’t seem to get it. In the land of right living, they persist in wrong living, blind to the splendor of God.” (v15) “But the living You make larger than life. The more life You give, the more glory You display, and stretch the borders to accommodate more living.”

“Stretch the borders of life.” Lord, this is my prayer today. May I be willing to allow You to stretch my life, that in the “living” of it day by day, my life will display Your glory. That others, even Christians who are living (or rather existing) in cramped prisons where they cannot see Your grace, and others who truly are wicked unbelievers, would have You open their eyes to see Your grace and get it.

I think too of the ‘retreat’ the Women’s Ministry Center is planning. May this be a stretching in all who make come.
A stretching of our faith,
of our love,
of our hope,
of our trust,
of our abilities and gifts.

A stretching of our capacity to receive Your love and to give it
A stretching of our worship
A stretching of our desire to praise You in all things,
A stretching in our giving, not just money, but our love, gifts, and talents, our hospitality.

When I think again of stretching our capacity to receive your love and grace, Oh God, we all need this stretching. We are so wrapped up tight in the struggles of everyday life, we don’t even realize our need, let alone recognize the grace when it is offered.

Lord, we want to “get it” – to recognize it – to believe it is for us personally, and that it is attainable.

Stretch us Lord, as Bruce Wilkerson says, “stretch and enlarge our borders, in every possible area and where we are closed up and small.”

So we may see the splendor of God, and “get it.”

Monday, June 1, 2009

Grace and Kindness

Saturday, May 12, 2007
Thoughts prompted by the Message Bible.

Ephesians 2. The world doesn’t know the first thing about living. Sometimes we fill our lungs with polluted unbelief and then exhale disobedience. Oh God, what a perfect description of what we do. I do.

Then You, in immense mercy and GRACE, and incredible love, embrace us. You make us alive in Christ. Then You pick us up and set us down in the highest company with Jesus, Our Messiah!

(v 8) Now God, you have us where You want us – and You have all the time in this world, and the next one, to shower GRACE and kindness upon us in Christ. WOW!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A Sunburst of Light

Friday, April 27, 2007

Isaiah 8:16-17 Believers, followers of Christ, must hold fast to God’s teachings. In a world that has gone to Hell in a handbasket, we must wait and hope in our God. Stand our ground! The TRUTH of Jesus Christ. Watch for the warning signs and HOPE signs from God. Do not follow the masses to destruction.

Isaiah 9:2-7 The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light – a sunburst of light! All the cruelty and oppressors are gone. Gone away with, a deliverance as surprising and sudden as Gideon’s victory over Midian.

For a child has been born, the gift, a Son for us, and He’ll take over and rule the world. His names will be

Amazing Counselor
Strong God
Eternal Father

His ruling authority will grow and there will be no limits to the wholeness He brings.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

A glimpse of God

March 9, 2005

Jesus, How can I love you more today than I did yesterday? Only by being alert and prepared to see and hear You today. Oh My God, I don’t want to miss anything. Please keep me aware of you throughout this day. I have plans, but what do you have planned for me? Give me a glimpse of you and whispers of Your voice this day.

As I hear other's testimony at the Center. As we gather later to study and talk about You, then especially as I attend the memorial service for loved ones gone, draw me ever tighter into the circle of your love, so I may feel the warmth of Your love and the soft beating of your heart of love for me. Enable and empower me to love You in return the way Your Father loves You. Our hearts beat as one.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Galatians 6

Galatians 6 (the Message). Live creatively! Interesting choice of words. What does this mean?

  • Don’t settle for a dull “in-a-rut” life. Put my mind to work. Look for creative [out of the box] ways and opportunities to serve the Lord. And save the critical comments for yourself, not others.

  • Stoop down – Jean, don’t be too proud to do the lowly, dirty jobs.

  • Reach out – share other’s burdens and share what you have too, especially the good news of the gospel. Explore and renew the truth of who I am in Christ.

  • Keep close to Him so you can hear Him give the orders for the day, or the change in plans.

  • Sink totally into the assignments you are given.

  • Don’t compare yourself with others.

  • Take responsibility for doing your creative best with my life.

Sow the seeds where and when God says, then let God’s Spirit do the growth work and you will harvest a crop of real life – eternal Life!

Don’t follow some who just want to look good before others. Jean, be courageous and walk by faith!

Monday, May 18, 2009

The Divine Embrace - Part II

One of the ways I journal is writing what glean from books I read. The following are entries I made while reading "THE DIVINE EMBRACE’ by Ken Gire. This book was, and still, is an instrument in deepening myrelationship with Jesus. I read through it quite often.

The entry that follows is from JESUS.. I have many friends who know me very well. One of them (and I don’t know which one) left this for me. What a blessing and encouragement. One of the reasons I am so blessed by the dancing idea is that I had polio as a child. I can walk but have never been able to dance.

Jeannie: What a wonderful dancer you have become. You are always faithful in joining me on the dance floor every morning and keeping in step with me through your day. I love you so much! I long for your to join me in the dance even after you’ve curtsied away into sleep. Sometimes, I love to stir you mid-dream just to hold you in my embrace while you drink your tea. I am so honored that now our once quiet dance floor is full of laughter as you instruct others in their own dance with me. Do you remember when I first taught you the rhythm of my dance on this very same floor? You learned so quickly and now, I am proud to see you so talented and strong. Keep practicing for soon you all will be dance with my Father and Me in heaven! I love you, Jeannie!

Your Faithful Dance Partner,

Saturday, May 16, 2009


February 2, 2005

I just finished reading Ken Gire’s book The Divine Embrace. In it he pictures our relationship with You, Jesus, as the dance - one that is a close and intimate. I am glad now that I have never experienced a close romantic dance with anyone, even my husband. I am saving my first dance for Jesus. Even now I experience it in my heart. Thank You, JESUS

Jesus holds me close, looks into my eyes and reads my heart. He whispers how He loves me. He makes the dance of life a joy. He takes the lead and enables me to follow, even in the difficult demanding steps He is there with His powerful arms around me. He doesn’t mind when I step on his toes and even when I stumble and fall, He is quick to pick me up, brush me off an get me right back into the rhythm of His grace. There is freedom in dancing with Him, there is excitement as He is so spontaneous. I may not know the new steps or the direction, but I can trust him to guide me on one step at a time He calms my fears and encourages me to relax and enjoy the music of the dance, but mostly He wants me to treasure him for who He is. He is Lord of the Dance and He has chosen me to be his partner, because He loves me!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Free indeed!!!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Galatians 4:4 (The Message) God sent his son that he might redeem those of us who have been kidnapped by the law. Thus we have been set free to experience our rightful heritage. We can be sure that we are now fully adopted as His own children because God sent the Spirit of His Son into our lives crying out “Papa, Father.” Doesn’t this privilege of intimate conversation with God make it plain that you are not a slave, but a child, an heir, with complete access to the inheritance!

Rule-keepers want to shut us out of the free world of God’s GRACE so we will always depend on them for approval and direction, making them feel important! We are not children of the slave woman, but of the free woman (the promise of God).

Hallalujah! I am free – free indeed!!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Galatians 3:

April 11, 2007 (Note before reading that this is Mom's journal - things that God points out to her, she addresses to herself as "Jean.")

Galatians 3:
Our (my) new life in Jesus was not my doing. I was only responding to God’s message to me. Since I was not smart, or strong, or clever enough to begin His work in me – How could I possibly perfect it?

Paul asks…does God who lavishly provides me with His own presence, His Holy Spirit, working things I could never do for myself. Does He do these things because of my own strenuous strivings…or because I trust Him to do them in me?
As did Abraham – he believed God, and that act of belief was turned into a life that was right with God. So it is with me. I am a child of faith. I believe even by faith. So those who live by faith are blessed along with Abraham.

Remember Jean – anyone who tries to live by his own effort, independent of God, is doomed to failure. No one can sustain a relationship with God that way. The person who lives in right relationship with God does it by embracing what God arranges for Him.

Doing things for God is the opposite of entering into what God does for you. Rule-keeping does not naturally evolve into living by faith, but only precipitates itself in more and more rule-keeping.

We are all (Jews and non-Jews) able to receive God’s life, His Spirit, in and with us, by believing, just the way Abraham received it. Halleljuah!

So what is the purpose of the law – or rule-keeping? V. 19 The purpose of the laws – rules of the Old Testament, was to keep sinful people in the way of salvation until Christ (The descendant of Abraham) came, inheriting the promises and distributing them to us. WOW!

The original promise is the direct blessing of God, received by faith. The purpose of the law is to make obvious to everyone that we are, in ourselves, out of right relationship with God, and to show us the futility of making a religious system of getting by our own efforts, what we can only get by waiting in faith for God to complete His promise.

If keeping rules had power to create life in us we surely would have gotten it by now. Until we were mature and ready to respond freely, by faith, god carefully surrounded and protected us by the law. The law was like a school teacher who protected the children from danger and distraction, making sure the children would get to their final destination.

Now you, Jean, have arrived at your destination. By faith in Christ I am in direct relationship with God. We are all (Jews and non-Jews) in a common relationship with Jesus. Also, since you are Christ’s family, then you are Abraham’s famous ‘descendent” – heirs according to the promises!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Words from Galatians

March 27, 2007
7:15 a.m. (Rainy, cool)

Paul shares where his authority comes from – it is directly from Jesus and God the Father. He is God – commissioned! He greets with words of grace and peace because Jesus Christ has rescued him from the evil world through His sacrifice for our sins. God’s plan is that all of us experience that rescue. Paul goes on to proclaim that if anyone – no matter who – preaches anything contrary to God’s Word, let him be cursed. We must get our message straight from God (through His word). No other Word will do.
Paul goes on to say that when he was still in his mother’s womb he was chosen and called by God’s generosity. Because God intervened and revealed Jesus, His Son, to Paul – so Paul could joyfully tell the non-Jews about Jesus.

Galatians 1:3 (Amplified) “Grace and spiritual blessing be to you and (soul) peace from God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah).” (v 12) Paul received the gospel as a direct revelation, given by Jesus Christ. (v 17) Paul immediately went away – retired into Arabia – for three years alone with God! What was that like? How special and wonderful of God to take that one-on-one time to love on and prepare Paul for the work ahead of him.
We are even now reaping the benefits of Paul’s time with God. Will people down the road of time reap any benefit from my time with Him? Am I of any use to God’s overall plans? I have to trust and believe that it is of value to Him – let alone myself.
It is good that we can’t see ahead or even correctly judge what we know and have seen or done. God put us all here for a purpose and the main purpose of my life is to glorify Him – I can’t even judge that properly – it is a trust issue.
Live an obedient and honorable life – day by day, and allow God to be the judge of the effect of my life here on earth.

Galatians 2:
Paul relates why he went to Jerusalem. He wanted to clarify with the church leaders what God had revealed to him. Also what he had been teaching to the non-Jews. Some of the Jews did not like him preaching freedom from the law. They wanted all to keep the traditional laws even after coming to Christ – mainly circumcision.
(v 13) “We know that we have no advantage of birth over “non-Jewish” sinners. We know very well that we are not set right with God by rule-keeping, but only through personal faith in Jesus Christ.
Paul asks “how do we know?” Because they tried it – the Jews had the best system of rules the world had ever seen! He is convinced that no human being can ever please God by self improvement. He believes in Jesus as Messiah, so he could be set right before God by trusting in the Messiah, not by trying to be good.
(v20) “Christ lives in me. The life you see me living is not mine but it is lived by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me. I refuse to repudiate God’s grace.” (The Message)