Wednesday, April 25, 2012

"Stretch the Borders of Life."

Isaiah 26:10 & 15 (The Message)
v. 10 If the wicked are shown grace they don't seem to get it.  In the land of right living, they persist in wrong living, blind to the splendor of god

v. 15 but the living You make larger than life.  The more life You give, the more glory You display, and stretch the borders to accommodate more living.

"Stretch the Borders of Life."
Lord, this is my prayer today - may I be willing to allow you to stretch my life that in the "living" of my day by day My life will display Your glory.  That others, even Christians, who are living (or rather existing) in tiny, cramped prisons where they cannot see Your grace.  And others who are truly wicked unbelievers would have You open their eyes to see Your grace - and get it.

I think again of stretching our capacity to receive Your love and grace.  Oh God, we all need this stretching.  We are so wrapped up tight in the struggles of everyday life that we don't even realize our need, let alone recognize the grace when it is offered. 

Lord, I want to 'get it.'  to recognize it - to believe it is for us, personally, and that it is attainable.  Stretch me lord.  As Bruce Wilkerson says, stretch - enlarge our borders - in every possible area where we are closed up and small - so we may see the Splendor of God and "get it!"