Monday, January 1, 2018

Singing Against the Night

September 29, 2006  - From a study of Worship from "The Heart of Praise" by Jack Hayford

Psalm 77:4-6

4) You hold my eyes from closing and I am so troubled that I cannot speak
5) I consider the days of old, the years of bygone times of prosperity
6) I call to rememberance my song in the night; with my heart I meditate and my spirit searches diligently
12) I will meditate also upon all Your works (and wonders).  I consider all Your mighty deeds.
19) You way (in delivering Your people) was through the sea and Your path through the great waters, yet Your footprints were not tracable, but obliterated

Someone who tries to "cheer us up" by singing happy songs is applying a band-aid to our spirit. 
  Like one who takes away a garment on a cold day,
    or like vinegar poured on a wound,    is one who sings songs to a heavy heart.  (Proverbs 25:20)

BUT, the ability for the grieving one to sing against the night is something for that one to receive as a gift from the ONE who gives us songs in the night. 

We praise You, Father, for being a God who has the power to give us a song, not just when we feel like singing, but even in the dark night of our soul.  Enable me to sing in tune with you, and to worship in the dark, too. 

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