Saturday, January 7, 2012

Christ Lives in Me

Galatians 2:
Paul relates why he went to Jerusalem - he wanted to clarify with the church leaders what God had revealed to him and what he had been teaching to the non-Jews.  Some of the Jews did not like him preaching freedom from the law.  They wanted all to keep the traditional laws, even after coming to Christ - that is mainly circumcision.

v. 13 "We (Jews) know that we have no advantage of birth over 'non-Jewish' sinners.  We know very well that we are not set right with God by rule-keeping, but only through personal faith in Jesus Christ. Paul asks "how do we know?"  Because they tried it.  The Jews had the best system of rules the world has ever seen! 

He is convinced that no human being can ever please God by self-improvement.  He believed in Jesus as the Messiah, so he could be set right before God by trusting in the Messiah, not by trying to be good. 

v. 20 Christ lives in me.  The life you see me living is not mine, but it is lived by faith in the Son of God who lived me and gave himself for me.  I refuse to repudiate God's grace.

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