Sunday, February 11, 2018

Praise: The Weapon of Our Warfare

Sunday, October 15, 2006  From a study on worship from Jack Hayford's book "A Heart of Praise"

Psalm 21: 13 (AMP)  Your hand shall find all Your enemies.  Your right hand shall find all those who hate You.  Be exalted, Lord, in Your own strength, we will sing and praise Your power.

II Chronicles 20:22-30
22  As they began to sing and praise, the Lord set ambushes against the enemy and they were self-slaughtered

Psalm 147:1-11
1 Praise the lord! For it is good to sing praises to our God, for He is gracious and lovely.  Praise is becoming and appropriate. 

Revelation 19:1-7
1 …exclaiming Hallelujah, praise the Lord
3. the 24 elders and living creatures all fell prostrate and worship God
6. and a vast throng were all exclaiming “Praise the Lord”
7.  rejoicing and shouting for joy, celebrating His glory

It is always appropriate to praise You, Lord, to sing our praises.  Doing this takes our focus off the circumstances and places it back where it belongs – on you.   

Enable and empower me to keep focused on You, always.  May I become a constant and continuous worshiper!  From this day forward throughout all eternity.  

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