Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Strength through Quietness

 December 2, 1998 

Notes from a study of Andrew Murray’s book “Abide in Christ”  Day 18

*Note: this journal entry doesn’t distinguish between Mom’s thoughts and direct quotes from Andrew Murray

Isaiah 30:15 (Amplified)  In returning to Me and resting in Me you shall be saved; in quietness and in trusting confidence shall be your strength.

 Psalm 37:7  Be silent to the Lord and wait patiently for Him

 Psalm 62:1  For God alone my soul waits in silence

 Lord, what I hear You saying to me through these verses is:

·        When we are resting we are not doing anything, physically or mentally. Our bodies and minds are quiet (and our mouths).   Our strength comes through the quiet resting

·        When we allow You to get us quiet, then we also need to wait patiently before You in silence so that we may accurately hear You.

·        The quietness and ceasing from all effort is the secret of the highest activity of man and all his powers.  This is not a partnership where each partner contributes their share of work.  It is cooperation founded on subordination.

As Jesus was fully dependent on the father for all His words, and works, so the believer can do nothing of himself.  We must cease entirely from self-effort (our own doing) and wait for the working of God in us.   God then renews, sanctifies, and wakens all our energies to their highest power.

It is a soul silent unto God that is the best preparation for knowing Jesus and holding fast the blessings he bestows.  God’s work is hindered by our interference. 

Cultivate the quietness as a means to the abiding in Christ; expect the ever deepening quietness and cam of heaving in the soul as the fruit of abiding in Him.

                                                                           Andrew Murray


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