Sunday, February 4, 2018

With Tongues of Men and Angels

Thursday, October 6, 2006  From a study on worship from Jack Hayford's book "A Heart of Praise"

Ps 117  O praise the Lord, all ye nations. Praise Him all ye people. For His merciful kindness is great toward us and the truth of the Lord endureth forever.  Praise ye the Lord.

Biblical faith is a missionary faith:  “all ye nations.”

The early church was told to stay in Jerusalem until they were given power from on high (Luke 24:29).  With visitors from every nation in Jerusalem for the feast day, they all witnessed the amazing display of God’s power on the new church.  “Suddenly, the Holy Spirit descended with a sound as of a rushing mighty wind.” (Acts 2:2)  Tongues of fire appeared above the disciple’s heads and they began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance.

Each person heard them speaking in their own language.  Some who did not understand the other languages mocked and accused the disciples of being drunk. 

But imagine the impact of the visitors who heard the message in their own native tongues.  A missionary outreach of the Holy Spirit.  What a glorious, cosmic gift.  The various melodies of earth’s different languages all blending in the power of the Holy Spirit into a chorus in which both people and angels lift their voices to glorify the Giver of every good gift. 

Father, I praise You that Your Name is being praised in loving and supernatural ways around the globe.  Today where people of every race and tongue have heard and received the Good News. 

Please use me in whatever way my tongue can best be used to glorify You and to speak the truth in love and to release ever-new praises to Your Name.  Amen

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