Saturday, May 16, 2009


February 2, 2005

I just finished reading Ken Gire’s book The Divine Embrace. In it he pictures our relationship with You, Jesus, as the dance - one that is a close and intimate. I am glad now that I have never experienced a close romantic dance with anyone, even my husband. I am saving my first dance for Jesus. Even now I experience it in my heart. Thank You, JESUS

Jesus holds me close, looks into my eyes and reads my heart. He whispers how He loves me. He makes the dance of life a joy. He takes the lead and enables me to follow, even in the difficult demanding steps He is there with His powerful arms around me. He doesn’t mind when I step on his toes and even when I stumble and fall, He is quick to pick me up, brush me off an get me right back into the rhythm of His grace. There is freedom in dancing with Him, there is excitement as He is so spontaneous. I may not know the new steps or the direction, but I can trust him to guide me on one step at a time He calms my fears and encourages me to relax and enjoy the music of the dance, but mostly He wants me to treasure him for who He is. He is Lord of the Dance and He has chosen me to be his partner, because He loves me!